About Me


The experience of meditative poetry is kind, inspiring, truthful, and compassionate. Not just mere words but language carefully selected to evoke a quiet introspection into our true nature.

Join me on this journey of living fully in each moment with the voice of poetry. May you be inspired and connect with your heart.

Finding My Voice in Poetry

A familiarity of knowing this person from another lifetime. Their smile celebrating you at first glimpse. This was my introduction to poetry. It felt as if I could speak my truth without hesitation. To share my most vulnerable thoughts and emotions simply with a pen and paper has been a gift of freedom.

What Poetry Means to Me

My poetry is created from a place of refuge - my practice of mindfulness and meditation. Themes of “living in the moment, non-attachment, loving kindness, and compassion” flow throughout my verses. Each poem exposes the reader to the trials and tribulations of life and how we can lean in with a kind awareness. For me, to create, flourish, and love on a profound level, is the only way to exist.

My Journey as a Poet

My journey as a poet has been a path of letting go. A journey of releasing my pain and suffering. Allowing myself to be human and imperfect. Each poem I create allows a kind space to heal. To grow without self-judgement. Through poetry, I honor the stillness within me and the beauty of humanity with all of its mysteries.

Love. Love. Love.

- A Collection of Mindfulness Poetry

In this collection, I invite you on a journey of self-discovery - to connect with your humanness and greet your innermost thoughts and feelings with compassion. Each poem is created with the awareness that words celebrate and uplift us.