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This Too I Can Hold

A deep curiosity arises as I study my reflection in the mirror. Glaring back at me are fear, anger, sadness, undeserving, shame, and uncertainty.

My eyes wide open, unable to turn away from my monkey mind. Tears saturating my face.

I am overwhelmed.

Staring at my dark shadows is taking all the breath I have in this moment.

I will not look away.

Choosing to lean into this murky space that I often run from. Recognizing this is my grief staring back at me.

Kindness holds my hand allowing me to be fully present in this moment with all that surfaces.

I cannot be here alone.

I call upon compassion and no judgment to stand beside me as I investigate the thoughts, feelings, and stories playing around in my mind.

Remembering my breath. My beautiful anchor. My sacred space. I begin to nurture myself.

Feeling liberated.

My Buddha nature whispers to me.

This too I can hold.